"Nomen est omen": the name is a sign.
Natal Astro-Numerology Chart
A digital copy of one full, hand-written page emailed to you. Includes one's key natal astrology positions and at least 9 different numbers and meanings encompassing one's core energies and characteristics, as well as current cosmic influences affecting one's life. After clicking "Buy Now", contact Collin with full birth name, current full name if changed, full birth date, time of birth, place of birth, and the name of the chart you purchased. A digital copy of your chart will be emailed to you within 1-2 weeks of receiving payment and pertinent info, depending on demand.

Transition Points Chart
A digital copy of one full, hand-written page emailed to you. Maps one's past and future transition periods with specific time frames when things shifted and will shift to new energies, experiences, challenges, and characteristics. Provides dates/years when these changes will occur. Includes at least 9 numbers. After clicking "Buy Now", contact Collin with full birth name, current full name if changed, full birth date, time of birth, place of birth, and the name of the chart you purchased. A digital copy of your chart will be emailed to you within 1-2 weeks of receiving payment and pertinent info, depending on demand.

Relationship Compatibility Chart
A digital copy of one full, hand-written page emailed to you. Compares and contrasts the characteristics and compatibility or lack thereof between two people. Also gives a compatibility rating. Includes at least 9 numbers. After clicking "Buy Now", contact Collin with full birth name, current full name if changed, full birth date, time of birth, place of birth, and the name of the chart you purchased. A digital copy of your chart will be emailed to you within 1-2 weeks of receiving payment and pertinent info, depending on demand.

Numerology is the ancient science of understanding and interpreting the many aspects of one's self and one's environment, as well as charting one's life, by deciphering the number meanings of names, words, and birthdays. There is a number attached to each letter of the alphabet that has a ruling planet and specific characteristics, as well as a deeper, esoteric, vibrational, metaphysical, and philosophical meaning. Knowing one's core numbers can provide insight into one's authentic identity, persona, path, hidden motivation, gifts, talents, transition periods, and destiny in the here and now and in the future. Numerology can also shed light on a person's relationships, career, money, sexuality, gender expression, way of thinking, challenges, karma, and more. If you have questions about any of these areas and don't know which path to take, numerology can help. It helps bring clarity and confirmation about who you are and why you're here. Numerology is like astrology (and other forms of personality typing), only it uses numbers primarily instead of planets, luminaries, and constellations primarily. However, Collin combines the two in his charts which gives the most powerful and accurate reading.
The ancient art was handed down to us in the West by none other than the great philosophical scientist, mystic, astronomer, and mathematician Pythagoras, among others, starting around 608 BC. However, there is a rich numerological tradition that exists in other cultures throughout the world as well. If you believe or understand that "everything has a vibration" or "everything is energy" or "everything has a frequency", then you think as Pythagoras did when he declared, "Things are numbers". I would add to that by saying, "Human beings are numbers". Wouldn't you like to know yours? If so, choose one of the charts to get started on your astro-numerological journey towards self-discovery and becoming a more effective version of yourself.