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The reason we need to know about astrotheology is because we need to know the true basis, in nature, of modern, de-natured Christianity, as it was the creator of western civilization and has been a controlling force of western society and culture for thousands of years. Without knowing Christianity's astrological and astronomical basis, we are left bereft of its true meaning, worshiping its dead, outer husk and we are deprived of the kernels of real spiritual nourishment and fulfillment at its center. Believing in something fraudulent has many repercussions on our psychological health. Christianity in its modern, superficial, exoteric form is an impostor of a religion that has allowed the persecution and destruction of life on a brutal and massive scale for a very long time. In its astrotheological form, however, Christianity may contain some useful and meaningful wisdom and universal patterns, symbols, and truths.


I contend that the Bible is most likely an astrological and cosmobiological allegory and plagiarism of the ancient wisdom of many nature-based cultures, especially the Egyptians, who, among others, observed and mythologized natural phenomena, especially the stars, planets, and constellations in the sky. The ancient priests were originally astronomers/astrologers keeping track of time and disseminating important information about dates, seasons, months, cycles, and calendars to people in addition to divining the dictums of the celestial bodies. On a practical, survival level, ancient man needed to know the cycles of time, in order to plant at the correct time, harvest at the correct time, and to prepare properly for the harsh winters. His fear also needed to be assuaged as the days got shorter and shorter and the weather more inhospitable as winter approached. The duration of light and dark is especially exaggerated at far northern and far southern geographical locations. As ancient, primitive man, imagine the trepidation you would have felt about your survival if the days were only 4-6 hours long and the nights were 18-20 hours long, as in the case of Scandinavian countries during winter time. Were you in their foot coverings, you might have also felt jubilation at knowing that the sun had turned back northward after the winter solstice, bringing longer and warmer days, as they did. 


Astrotheology (Astro + Theology) = from aster, meaning “star” and from theos, meaning “god” and from -ology, meaning “the study of” or logos, meaning “word”. In essence, astrotheology is religion or the study of "God" based on the stars. Star religion is the most recent basis (even though it’s quite ancient) of modern monotheistic religions. Much of the mythology of the ancient world, such as that of Greece and pre-Christianized Rome was an anthropomorphic description through story of the astronomical events of the sun, planets, and stars at different times of the year. Modern religion is the child of this astrotheological mythology. Modern religion has its roots, therefore, in paganism, or, nature-worship. Paganism is not devil worship, as the church has programmed the world to believe. On the contrary, pagan simply means “of the country”, or “villager”, or “rustic”. It is the nature people’s religion who lived in the country. Christian Latin came along later and changed the term to mean “heathen”.


To support my proposition that the Bible is astronomical/astrological and therefore based on the observance of nature, lets examine some astrotheological correlations and show the plagiarism inherent in it of much older, wiser spiritual science. The modern Bible, in which half of it was thrown out at the council of Nicaea in 325 AD, is a Romanized version of its original truth, changed and crafted for social and political domination and control. Rome was once a pagan place. Following the Christianization of Rome came the dark ages. This included the crusades and the inquisition – atrocities in the name of the catholic church’s fraudulent religion, Christianity, to stamp out man's connection to nature and to real religion and it's attempt to own and dominate the world. And they succeeded. They maintained a stranglehold physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally over all of Europe for at least 1600 years and they still do to this day, only in a more inconspicuous way.

Jesus is the sun. In fact, most of the major saviors or messiahs or “sons of god” in ancient times were actually personifications of the sun. The simple sleight of hand by the Roman catholic church to change the phrase “sun of god” by one letter to “son of god” is perhaps the most bold and egregious example in history of one powerful group's facile ability to suppress other less powerful groups. To think that the fate of the spiritual health of mankind for 1600 years lay in this one letter change of one phrase is almost unbelievable. It just shows the incredible power of the church at that time in history. Of course, this is not the only change or procedure that altered the course of man's soular history. There are numerous others. But let’s continue to look at how astronomy and religion are one and the same. Many of the numbers repeated over and over in the Bible such as 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 30, 40, 72, 280, etc. represent cycles of time that occur due to the geocentric travels of the sun in the sky.


From a geocentric perspective, the sun journeys directly through 12 major constellations in the sky throughout the year. This became the 12 signs of the zodiac and 12 months of the year. Constellations were anthropomorphized, but mostly zoomorphized because these animals were creatures existing on earth in nature, in peoples’ immediate environment, making the obscure far out constellations and planets more relatable on earth. The animals chosen also had characteristics that matched up with the characteristics and spiritual/psychological consequences of solar happenings at certain times of year. The 12 constellations which became the 12 signs of the zodiac became the 12 disciples/apostles of Jesus, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 brothers of Joseph, 12 judges of Israel, 12 great patriarchs, 12 kings of Israel, 12 princes of Israel, Jesus’ initiation and confirmation at age 12 in the Temple at Jerusalem, and so on.

Interestingly enough, after the festival of Passover (which occurs just after the vernal equinox of March 21st when the sun passes over the equator on the ecliptic) Jesus stayed in the Temple in Jerusalem for 3 days learning from and impressing his teachers. The number 3 is important here. To understand the relevance of 3 in the Bible, we need to study the sun's passage in the skies, or “heavens”. The shortest day of the year occurs on the winter solstice, December 22nd, when the sun is said to have "died". The sun is at its lowest point in its declination and the darkness of nighttime on earth is much longer than the light of daytime. Solstice comes from the Latin word sol, meaning "sun" and stit, meaning “stasis”, “stopped”, “stationary”. The solstice is a “stand still”, “pause”, or “transition point”. On December 22nd the sun appears to not move in its declination in the sky for 3 days while it is in the vicinity of the Southern Crux (cross) constellation in the sky. The cross is also an homage to the 4 cardinal points of the zodiac. Then, on December 25th, the “star in the East”, Sirius, along with the 3 brightest stars of Orion’s belt, points directly to the place of the sun rise on December 25th, when the sun begins to move northward again after its pause on the solstice. The biblical translation of this natural phenomena is Jesus, the son (sun) of God, "died" on the cross (the southern crux constellation), was buried for 3 days (the pause of the sun in the sky for 3 days following the winter solstice), and was resurrected and rose into heaven (started its path northward bringing longer days). Thus, the sun, not the son of god, was born on December 25th or “born again”. The book of Jonah tells a similar story of how he was swallowed by a whale and stayed in its belly only to emerge alive 3 days later. We don’t celebrate the resurrection of the sun/son until Easter or “East Star” around March/April, because this is when the Vernal (Spring) Equinox occurs and marks the time when the length of daylight officially begins to overtake the length of nighttime. Equinox means "equal night". Equi means equal and  –Nox, from noct, means “night.” In addition, Jesus’ birth (the astronomical sunrise on December 25th) is said to have been located by the 3 wise men (3 stars of Orion’s Belt), who followed the star in the East (line up with Sirius), to locate the messiah at "his" birth. Jesus was said to be born of the Virgin Mary (the constellation Virgo in the zodiac, which means “virgin”) in “Bethlehem” which literally translates to “house of bread”. Virgo is always depicted holding a sheaf of wheat and relates to the grain harvest because the sun is going through this constellation in August/September at the time of year when the first major grain harvest and the subsequent making of bread is possible. The Virgo glyph is an altered letter M, hence the name Mary. Mary comes from mar or mari or meri meaning “sea”. The “celestial sea” is an area of the sky that relates to the constellations of autumn and winter in the zodiac, which Virgo, or Mary ushers in. Mary is said to have given birth to the sun (Jesus) because she (Virgo) marks the transition of summer to the first day of autumn at the autumnal equinox on September 21st, which eventually leads to the winter solstice and the "death" and “birth” of the sun (Jesus).

The four horsemen of the apocalypse are the 4 cardinal points of the year. The white horse is the spring equinox, March 21st, the green horse, the green of summer and the summer solstice, June 21st, the red horse, the sun set of the autumnal equinox in Libra, and the black horse is the dead sun of the winter solstice, as the sun is in the dark of winter.

After "he" was baptized, Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness where he was tempted by Satan (Saturn), the flood rains lasted for 40 days, the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years. The significance of the number 40 lies in the fact that it takes about 40 days for the earth's weather to change after an astronomical change of the seasons. The first day of winter is December 22nd at the winter solstice, but we don't get our coldest weather until late January/early February. In ancient Egypt, it took about 40 days for the seeds sown in the soil to germinate after the inundation of the Nile River. Human gestation is 40 weeks long. It has also been said by the ancient esoterics that it takes about 40 days for the soul to incarnate into an embryo in a mother's womb. Natural and spiritual facts were united in ancient times.

No historians of the time of “Jesus”, of which there were many, mention a historical person named Jesus. 3 refer to only Christos or Christus (Christ), but Christ was not a name, it was a title that meant “anointed one”. In Greek christos referred to being "anointed with oil", which was probably borrowed from the Egyptian word krst, which was inscribed in Egyptian coffins and meant the same thing. Christos meant "messiah" as well, which was also borrowed from the Egyptian word messeh, meaning "crocodile". Crocodile fat was used as the anointing oil in ancient Egypt. However, in the biotheological and esoteric interpretation, these oils or christos may have specifically represented the cerebrospinal fluid/oil that bathes the entire central nervous system and enlightens our consciousness when preserved and raised upward through sexual abstinence, healthy living, and kundalini practices. Christ is literally within you once recognized as the cerebrospinal fluid. The Bible says that Christ was crucified at Calvalry. Calvalry actually meant skull in the original language of the Bible. Also, the 33 vertebrae of the spine (including the sacrum and coccyx) may be the anatomical correlation to Christ being crucified at age 33. One man referred to a person named Jesus Christ, a man named Josephus, but this account has been shown to be artifice over and over again by many scholars. We are to believe solely in the account of the Bible to substantiate that a man named Jesus Christ ever even existed.


Personifications of the sun and the patterns of these natural processes of nature have occurred in manifold cultures around the world long before the invention of Jesus Christ. In fact, much of the Bible, Christianity, and the invention of Jesus is little more than the plagiarism of Egyptian religion/myth and Sumerian myth. The Egyptians were not the only ones hip to this pattern of the sun on its travels and activities in the sky. Many many ancient peoples knew and exalted the same thing and created almost the same myths around sun gods that were known as “saviors”. Here are some examples:


The most uncannily similar sun god to the more recent son god, Jesus, is Horus.

Horus, 3000 BC, (meaning “light”, from which we get the word hours) was born of the virgin Isis-Meri on December 25th. His birth was announced by 3 kings, at the age of 12 he became recognized as a child prodigy teacher in the Temple, at age 30 he was baptized, he had 12 disciples, he performed miracles such as healing the sick and walking on water, and he was known as “the truth”, “the light”, “God’s anointed son”, the “Lamb of God”, the “good shepard”, and so on. He was betrayed by Typhon and was crucified and buried for 3 days, after which he resurrected.


The same pattern is true for so many other “saviors”.

There are 3 Mithras. Indo-Iranian Mitra, Mithra of Persia, and Mithras of Rome. Mithra of Persia, 1200 BC, was born of a virgin on December 25th, as witnessed by shepherds (wise men/magi) who brought gifts to honor him, he had 12 companions/disciples, performed miracles, his religion had a eucharist, and he was called the “Way, the Truth, and the Light”. He sacrificed himself for world peace and was dead for 3 days before being resurrected.


Attis of Phrygia, 1250 BC, was born of the virgin Nana on December 25th, was a shepherd, was called the "only begotten son", was crucified on a tree, was dead for 3 days, and resurrected.


Krishna (meaning “black” or “dark”) of India, 900 BC, was born of a virgin on Dec. 25th, his mother’s name was Maia, the star in the east signaled his birth, he performed miracles, and resurrected after death.


Buddha of India was born of the virgin Maya on December 25th, was announced as the savior of the world and called the "light of the world", wise men visited him on his birth, a star and “signs” signaled his birth, he performed miracles, walked on water, and healed the sick. In some traditions he died on a cross and he was resurrected.


Quetzalcoatl of the Aztecs, 1st century BC was born of a virgin, went into the wilderness, fasted for 40 days, was crucified, and was the god of light that fought against Tezcatlipoca, the god of darkness.


This goes on and on and on. This familiar pattern is generally true of Hercules, Tammuz, Beddou, Aclides, Adad, Zoar, Xamolxis, Thammuz, Zhule, Odin, Crite, Zoroaster, Baal and Taut, Indra, Jao, Wittoba, Mikado, Beddru, Hesus, Thor, Cadmus, Hil and Feta, Ischy, Fohi and Tien, Adonis, Ixion and Quirinus, Prometheus, and more. These are all solar deities.


How about some Bible verses to illustrate my point about the sun, nature, and astrology in scripture?


“And God said, Let there be lights (stars) in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years…(Genesis 1:14).


“I am the light of the world.” (John 9:5)


“But unto you that fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in its wings…” (Malachi 4:2).


“For the LORD your God is a consuming fire…” (Deuteronomy 4:24)


“For the LORD God is a sun and shield” (Psalms 84:11).


“When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy” (Matthew 2:10)


“…I am the root and offspring of David, and the bright and morning star” (Revelations 22:16).


“…until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts” (2 Peter 1:19)

" his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth issued a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength." (Revelation 1:16)


“And I will give him the morning star” (Revelation 2:28)


“They shall see the Son coming in the clouds.” (Mark 13:26)


“In my father’s mansion there are many houses” (Psalms 19:4-6) (houses of the zodiac)

"And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his garments became white as light." (Matthew 17:2)

"...and behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men, with their backs to the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east, worshiping the sun toward the east." (Ezekiel 8:16)

"Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." (Matthew 28:20) This is a mistranslation. The word used in the Greek Bible is not "world", but AEON, meaning "age" (referring to the end of the astrological age of Pisces in the precession of the equinoxes)

"And he said unto them, Behold when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in." (Luke 22:10) The man bearing a pitcher of water is the constellation of Aquarius (the water bearer)

"And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered." (Revelation 12:1-2)

But wait, there's more...


The “manger” Jesus was born in is the constellation Praesepe, Latin for “manger”. It is also known as the Beehive Cluster and the "gate of men". In Chaldean and Platonic philosophy this was a group of stars in the constellation of Cancer where souls were said to descend from before incarnating into embryos in wombs on earth. 2700 years ago the sun passed in front of the Beehive Cluster on the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. In those days the cluster in the constellation of Cancer marked the apex of the zodiac or the anti galactic equatorial node and Capricorn marked the galactic equatorial node. These nodes were called the Northern and Southern gates or the Gate of Men/Man and the Gate of the Gods. The Gate of the Gods was in Capricorn. This is the gate which man ascended to heaven through, or to the source; the center of the milky way galaxy.


The “shepherds, abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night” in Luke 2:8, which describes the story of the nativity of Jesus, is speaking of the constellation Cepheus, which contains two stars - Gamma Cephei (also known as Errai, from Arabic ar-rā‘ī, meaning “the shepherd”) and Beta Cephei (also known as Alfirk from Arabic al-firqah meaning “the flock” (of sheep). This story, of course, makes no sense unless interpreted astrotheologically, being that sheep would be kept in their stalls in December to shelter them from the cold. They would not be grazing on pasture at this time of year.


In the Egyptian pantheon, Anubis was the star in the East (Sirius) and was the protector of tombs. Sirius, therefore, represents the tomb (the etymological foundation of the word “womb”) that “Jesus” (the sun) was placed in on December 22nd at the winter solstice, before being “resurrected” or born or born again on December 25th.

Christ (the sun) rode into Jerusalem on two asses (an ass and a colt - an uncastrated male ass) in Matthew 21:7. This refers to two stars in the constellation of Cancer called Asellus Borealis (Norther Ass) and Asellus Australis (Southern Ass) which the sun crosses at the summer solstice. 

The word "Amen" comes from the sun god of ancient Egypt, Amen-Ra (Ra for ray of the sun).

In Genesis 32:24-32 Jacob wrestled with God (the angel) at Peniel (Penuel) which means "Face of God". Peniel probably refers to the pineal gland in the brain. 

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