Biotheology is a term I made up (yet I found later that the term already exists) to refer to the exegesis of religious texts or parts of religious texts as allegories or metaphors for biological phenomena. It also encompasses having reverence for and awareness of the body or soma, paying attention to proprioceptive cues, and the finding, recognizing, and/or activating of God and religious experience within the body. The material that makes up this article especially relates to neurotheology, or, the neurobiology of spirituality, what I consider a branch of biotheology.
The Christian Bible, besides being an astrotheological allegory, a plagiarism of earlier pagan, Egyptian, and Sumerian spiritual sciences and besides possibly being an attempt by the Roman Flavian dynasty to assimilate and conquer their Jewish enemies, may also contain biotheological correlates of entheogenic proportions for the purpose of expanding one's consciousness, attaining enlightenment, and gaining physiological awareness, knowledge, rejuvenation, and healing. This may be especially true in the case of what "Christ" might actually physiologically mean. Other than Christ being a personification of the Sun or possibly a reflection of the life of the Roman emperor Titus, "he" may also refer to the cerebrospinal fluid of the central nervous system in esoteric, biological interpretations of Christianity.
Below is my biotheological version of the Christ myth. It is necessary to understand that every detail of my version may not be perfectly, scientifically and exoterically accurate. Just as one reads the Bible, not every verse should be taken literally, in fact, none of them should be. The biotheological story is itself semi-allegorical and stems from a time in history when not every single biological fact was known, while some other facts were known that we probably still don't know, therefore, not everything can be perfectly accurate and in line with mainstream, modern science. However, I've done the best I could to link the knowledge and symbolism of the past in the Bible, with some definite facts of modern biology. Esoteric biology is not synonymous with current biology and may attribute powers to certain organ systems that modern biology does not recognize or agree with. In such cases of discrepancy, one should not get caught up in small details, but try to see truth in all the interrelations within, and the overall picture of, the interpretation.
It goes like this:
Christ comes from the Greek khristos, which means "anointed [with oil]". "Christ" is thought to be an "oil" secreted by the brain called cerebrospinal fluid. It is also known as "chrism" (in Latin), "holy chrism", "Christ oil", the "sacred secretion", and CSF. 1 John 2:27: "But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you..." Christ may literally be within you in the form of cerebrospinal fluid. Colossians 1:26-29: "...which is Christ in you..." Luke 17:21: "...the kingdom of God is within you." Preserving and raising the cerebrospinal fluid through healthy living, sexual abstinence, kundalini practices, and/or in conjunction with other methods for inducing altered states of consciousness, may increase Christ consciousness/pure consciousness/Nirvana/unity consciousness and lead to spiritual enlightenment and physical regeneration. This sacred secretion, CSF, is a clear ultrafiltrate of plasma consisting of 99% water that bathes the entire central nervous system (CNS) (Telano, Baker, Khasawneh, Garling, Harris et al.). Compared to plasma, it contains higher concentrations of sodium, chloride, and magnesium and lower concentrations of potassium and calcium (Telano, Baker, Khasawneh, Garling, Harris et al.). Zinc-based enzymes called carbonic anhydrases catalyze this difference in concentration. Perhaps the intake of sufficient quantities of these minerals is important to support the cerebrospinal fluid. The CSF's function is to transport nutrients and hormones to the CNS, regulate circadian rhythms, regulate appetite, provide guiding cues for cell migration, instruct stem cells to proliferate and differentiate, create an ionic balance for the brain, eliminate waste, support and protect the CNS, maintain a bouyancy and be a shock absorber for the CNS. Cilia that line the walls of the four ventricles in the brain that carry cerebrospinal fluid have photoreceptors, chemoreceptors, and mechanoreceptors and are capable of transmitting light, vibration, movement, and molecules. Frequency of respiration, posture, pressure on the jugular vein, physical effort, and time of day all affect the flow of CSF (Telano, Baker et al.). In addition, it is believed by some doctors and laymen alike that the CSF may act as an intermediary and conveyor of source energy to our physical bodies and may assist in conferring consciousness to humans, or allow us to experience and be aware of our very beingness.
The beginning of the biotheological and esoteric interpretation of the activity of Christ as cerebrospinal fluid within you starts with the claustrum. The claustrum is a thin sheet of neurons attached to the underside of the neocortex that is the most densely connected structure in the brain. It has been called the conductor of the brain. It coordinates, synchronizes, and integrates diverse cortical inputs into one unified experience rather than separate experiences. It is related to attention and consciousness and has been said to be the seat of consciousness in the body. This claustrum may be where the name Santa Claus came from and the story of Santa living at the north pole (the higher brain/higher mind) and coming down the chimney (the spinal cord) bearing gifts or presents (presence) (consciousness and enlightenment) to mankind. Romans 6:23: "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ [CSF] Jesus our Lord [Light of the World]." However, the story of Santa Claus (not necessarily the name Santa Claus) may come from or be conflated with Norse mythology and/or Sami shamans of the arctic circle and the consumption of the psychedelic mushroom Amanita muscaria. After all, psilocin, the psychoactive component of magic mushrooms, is almost molecularly identical to DMT, the most hallucinogenic substance known to man, which is produced by the brain, and plays a role in this story as well. Altered states of consciousness may confer God/Christ consciousness. Anyway, the claustrum is thought to signal the initial secretion of cerebrospinal fluid (the Christ oil/Christ/sacred secretion).
Then, highly specialized, simple, cuboidal epithelium located throughout the ventricles of the brain called the choroid plexuses produce the cerebrospinal fluid (as much as 70-80% possibly). The ependymal wall, cerebral parenchyma, and interstitial fluid produce the remaining percentage of CSF (Khasawneh, Garling, Harris et al.). However, in contrast to the more localized theory of the production of CSF just mentioned, another theory states that CSF is produced in the Virchow–Robin spaces throughout the entire CSF circulation system (Khasawneh, Garling, Harris et al.). The adult body maintains a volume of 150 ml of CSF at any given time and makes 400 - 600 ml per day (Telano, Baker et al.). CSF can be reabsorbed by the superior sagittal sinus, the cervical lymphatics, and the dural venous plexus (Khasawneh, Garling, Harris et al.). Apparently, clear sinuses, a healthy lymphatic system, and properly functioning veins are important for healthy CSF.
After the claustrum signals the initial secretion of CSF and the choroid plexuses and rest of the CSF circulatory system produce it, this Christ oil is then thought to be "differentiated" by the pineal gland and the pituitary gland. The pineal gland is thought to be the electric sun of the body and the pituitary the magnetic moon of the body. Together these glands imbue the Christ oil with a particular electromagnetic frequency and prepare it for the next step.
Next, the Christ oil descends down the spinal cord and reaches the solar plexus. The solar plexus is a complex network of nerves located in the abdomen. This is the area of the body associated with Virgo, the Virgin Mary. It is the chakra linked with self, ego, self-esteem, personal power, will, energy, digestion, and so on. Here it combines with the holy spirit or life essence or prana or chi or esse or source energy and the Christ seed is conceived of a Virgin in Bethlehem (house of bread). Virgo is the house of bread because the sun is in this sign at the time of year when the first grain harvest is possible and the making of bread. Virgo is always depicted as holding a sheaf of wheat for this reason. Though the Bible says that Christ was born of a Virgin (in Virgo), Christ was/is actually conceived in Virgo and was/is born in Capricorn, due to astronomical phenomena that occurs at the winter solstice. At any rate, the CSF seed, the Christ oil seed, is planted here in Virgo (in the solar plexus) every month when the moon is in a person's sun sign for 2.5 days.
The CSF/Christ oil then travels down to the sacral plexus and sacrum. This is the "fall of man" the Bible speaks of, as the sacrum is located in the sacral chakra and/or root chakra which are associated with pleasure and sexuality and safety and security, respectively. This area of the body corresponds to Scorpio and Capricorn. The sacrum comes from Latin os sacrum, "sacred bone". It is a trianglular bone at the base of the spine consisting of fused vertebrae bathed in CSF. This is where doctors extract CSF from the body. After conception in Virgo, the soul/Christ is incarnated into a body in the womb in Scorpio, then born in Capricorn. It is important to know that to be incarnated into a body and born into this world is considered by exoteric Christian teachings as a sort of spiritual death. From here, the challenge is to not squander the CSF through riotous, carnal living and overindulgence in the 5 senses. This is especially relevant from age 12 onward. The overall goal here is to resist temptation, to evolve spiritually to a higher realm, and to not have to reincarnate or be born into this corporeal world or body again, but instead to become pure light and return to source, one's true essence. Yet, as you will see, utilizing brain-bending flora from the physical plane may allow and assist access to and awareness of such a "heaven, before we actually die, while we are still here on Earth. As a matter of course, these biological "indulgences" (but not over-indulgences) may unlock and precede the very creation of such a theory or "heaven" in the first place (other than resuscitation or Lazarus syndrome). Nevertheless, so it goes, that, in a more simplified and conservative version of this chronicle, if living "healthily", then we can preserve the CSF and it will begin to travel back up the spinal cord and the 33 vertebrae of the spine (including the sacrum and coccyx). I do not mean to slight the necessity of healthy living in this process, it is as important a condition to be met as any other to achieve what I'm explaining and describing here. I'm only in disagreement with the notion of fundamentalist Christians that all drugs are all bad all the time, when in fact, their very religion once depended upon them.
The 33 vertebrae of the spine, which the CSF must ascend, may correspond to the Biblical narrative that Christ was crucified at age 33. So, the CSF is crucified once it climbs up the 33 vertebrae to the higher mind. The signification of this crucifixion will be elucidated below. In additional correlative revelation, there are 33 degrees in freemasonry, 33 gods in Vedic religion, and the word "amen" is the numerical equivalent of 33. "Amen" is also affiliated with Amon-Ra - the Egyptian deity depicted with the horns of a ram as well as cognate with Ammon's horn - the other name for the hippocampus in the brain. Plus, Christ was crucified at Golgotha, also known as Calvalry. Both of these words mean "skull" or "place of the skull". Calvalry comes from the Latin calvaria, meaning "skull".
Ergo, if preserved, the CSF ascends Jacob's ladder (the 33 vertebrae of the spine) and again, passes the solar plexus, and reaches the cardiac plexus in the heart. Here the soul/consciousness/CSF/Christ (you) learns love and compassion in Leo.
As a person continues to grow, improve, evolve and preserve the CSF, it rises to an area of the brain near the medulla and the pons where the vagus nerve forms a cross-like structure and it is crucified on the cross. This happens when the moon is again in the person's sun sign one month after the initial conception of it. Over the course of 2.5 days the CSF reaches the pineal and the pituitary again and the optic thalamus, is increased in vibration 1,000 fold, dormant brain cells are reactivated, the person attains enlightenment/eternal life, and is resurrected. At this time of "crucifixion" of the CSF, it may have been that an entheogenic, exogenous method or substance was used to augment the Christ consciousness, for, part of the psychedelic experience is the feeling that you have died or entered a place where time does not exist. And reading on, you will see that real death, entheogen hallucinated or not, is arguably a psychedelic experience being that the brain has been speculated to produce DMT at the moment of expiration. Even if the brain doesn't produce DMT at actual death, similar experiences have been reported between DMT experiences and real near death experiences. Cardiac arrest has been shown to produce a flurry of highly synchronized neural activity (Borjigin et al., Li et al.). The resurrection may be when the person comes back to normal consciousness after the perceived near-death experience that a hallucinogen induces. Here's a little more about the brain in regard to resurrection: In Luke 24, on the same day of Christ's resurrection, he ascends to heaven (the higher mind/the higher brain) from the Mount of Olives to sit at the right hand (the right hemisphere of the brain) of God. Christ sits at the right hand of God because the right hemisphere of the brain has a better ability to perceive holistic concepts/unity/non-duality consciousness (Sayadmansour et al.). At the second coming of Christ, his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, according to the Bible. Zechariah 14:4: "And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives." These passages relate anatomically to the olivary bodies - two oval shaped structures within the medulla oblongata at the lower portion of the brain stem. Acts tells a similar story but says that Christ ascends into heaven 40 days after his resurrection.
The secretions of the pituitary and pineal gland are thought to be related to the "land of milk and honey" in the Bible. Numbers 14:8: "If the Lord (Light of the World) is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us." The land of milk and honey, also known as The Promised Land, in exoteric Christianity, is Israel, the land that God promised to give to Abraham and his descendants. In an esoteric, biotheological interpretation of Christianity, the Land of Milk and Honey is in the brain. The pituitary produces the “milk”. Serotonin can stimulate the pituitary to produce prolactin, a hormone which stimulates milk production. Serotonin regulates sleep (another psychedelic experience/altered stated of consciousness), mood, appetite, and G.I. motility. It is interesting that there could be a relationship between the word claustrum and colostrum as well. Colostrum is the first "milk" that is secreted from the breasts of new mothers. The pituitary also produces oxytocin and vasopressin which may also represent the "milk". These hormones aid in bonding, trust, empathy, and peace. It is produced in high levels by new mothers to care for their young. The pineal gland produces golden colored DMT, the honey. As previously mentioned, DMT is the strongest hallucinogen/most psychoactive substance there is and has been dubbed "the spirit molecule". It expands awareness, creating a holistic, altered state of consciousness and mystical/spiritual experience among its users. It is an entheogen - it literally makes a person feel like they have become God, hence, hallucinogens are our direct outlet to plug into God or "Christ consciousness". In Genesis 32:24-32 Jacob wrestled with God (the angel) at Peniel (Penuel) which means "Face of God". Peniel probably refers to the pineal gland in the brain. Jacob's story is the parable of the Chrism/Christ oil ascending the ladder (the 33 vertebrae of the spine) and experiencing God, or seeing God face to face at the pineal gland. It could be that the biblical story of Christ is just an allegory for drug induced states and near death experiences. DMT has been found in the pineal glands of rats and in the human body. DMT is speculated to be produced in high levels 4 times in a person's life: 49 days after conception when the pineal gland is formed (around the time that the soul is thought to enter the body), at birth, at death, and in dream states. Is it a coincidence that the Tibetan Book of the Dead states that after a person dies, the soul traverses the otherworld or "bardo" for 49 days before its next reincarnation/rebirth? DMT is the principle psychoactive compound in Ayahuasca, an Amazonian brew using the vine of Banisteriopsis Caapi and the leaves of Psychotria viridis, which can be translated to "vine of souls", "vine of spirits", or "vine of death", and has been called "the little death". Is it a coincidence that a word that means to be god-like is the word di-vine? DMT is present in many varieties of Acacia, some of which grow in the holy land and has been mentioned in the Torah/Bible as "shittim", which comes from a word meaning "nonsense". The Ark of the Covenant was built out of acacia, according to the Bible, and the tree is intertwined in the life experiences of Moses, from his seemingly psychotropic vision of the burning bush, thought to be related to the acacia tree, to examples of synaesthesia in Exodus. In Leviticus, the Lord instructed Moses to have his brother Aaron make a fire with coals made (allegedly/speculatively) from acacia and burn psychoactive incense upon it as part of a ritual of atonement (at one mind) for the sins of the children of Israel (Isis (light)-Ra (the sun)-El (Saturn)). Acacia was held sacred to the Egyptians. The god Osiris and other Egyptian pharaohs were born out of the Acacia tree and it was called the "Tree of Life" by the Egyptians. The Acacia tree is one of the highest orders of symbolism in free masonry as well. One other possible Biblical entheogen is Calamus, which, in Aramaic, is Kaneh-bosm. Kaneh-bosm is believed to be Cannabis. Cannabis could, therefore, be one of the ingredients listed to make an anointing oil in Exodus 30:23. Kings and priests may have been anointed with a psychoactive oil containing Cannabis and other psychotropic plants as part of their initiation. It is significant that DMT, serotonin, and psilocin are almost molecularly identical to each other. The pineal gland also produces melatonin a hormone that also regulates sleep (and thus dream states where DMT is activated), reduces stress, supports the immune system, and is a powerful antioxidant. The pineal gland is literally the 3rd eye in the body as it has a lens and rods and cones (photoreceptors) like the body's other eyes. Matthew 6:22: "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light."It is also evident that the pineal is an important organ due to the fact that, for its size, it receives more blood flow than any other organ.
What I'm getting at here is that, perhaps, the story of Christ is an allegory that interweaves and reveals a complex process involving ancient knowledge of biology, sexual abstinence, healthy living, and the precise astrological timing of the use of psychoactive substances that man could undergo to induce an altered state of consciousness mimicking birth/death and activate multiple areas of the brain at one time (as psychedelic substances do) to attain spiritual enlightenment, physiological neurogenesis (as magic mushrooms do), the rebirth or regeneration of dormant brain cells, and increase the connectivity of diverse, normally non-communicative brain regions (as magic mushrooms do as well). Consequently, one experiences God/Christ consciousness and heals neurocircuitry disconnects that may lead to depression and other neuroses (once again, as psychedelic mushrooms have been demonstrated to do). It may also be that altered states of consciousness were achieved entirely through non-pharmacological means such as by breathwork, meditation, fasting, prayer, acoustics, electricity, etc. in order to amplify the experience. Click here for more info about altered states of consciousness.
What else?
The Cherubim of the Bible is the Cerebrum.
The 12 cranial nerves and the 12 cell salts of the zodiac are the 12 disciples.
Laminim is also thought to represent the crucifixion as it is considered to be shaped like a cross.
One can find evidence in popular culture of the connection of the word Christ with oil in the name of the once beloved hydrogenated cooking oil Crisco.
"The chrism is superior to baptism, for it is from the word "Chrism" that we have been called "Christians," certainly not because of the word "baptism". And it is because of the chrism that "the Christ" has his name. For the Father anointed the Son, and the Son anointed the apostles, and the apostles anointed us. He who has been anointed possesses everything. He possesses the resurrection, the light, the cross, the Holy Spirit. The Father gave him this in the bridal chamber; he merely accepted (the gift). The Father was in the Son and the Son in the Father. This is the Kingdom of Heaven." (The Gospel of Philip)
I think one of the big problems of the message of modern exoteric Christianity is that it is not about balance or the health and harmony of all chakras. It is more about repressing or demonizing the lower desires, cutting them out of the picture, considering them worthless, unimportant, vile, and aggrandizing the higher mind only. Christianity is reductionist. It is Western consciousness. It is not Eastern consciousness. The Eastern, right brain mind sees the importance of the whole. The Western, left brain mind makes natural entheogens illegal, separates everything from everything else, and attempts to control what states of consciousness we are allowed to inhabit. If we are not allowed freedom over our own minds and what we do with them, if they have made different states of consciousness illegal, then we are not free at all, for they own our very minds and they own God. They cut off the real experience of God and heaven within and replace it with fluoride to calcify over our pineal glands and any chance we have to attain the experience. They replace it with a man that probably never existed that we are supposed to bow down to instead of worshiping the God-mind that may be released by the activation of our own whole brain with the natural practices, plants, planets, and stars of nature and our own nature. As above, so below. As in the Bible, so in our brains.
Perhaps hating the body and hating nature, as common, modern, ignorant Christians do, and trying to rise above nature is the whole point of exoteric Christianity. I do not mean to say in this article that drugs or the body are everything. Perhaps they were only one of the roots of the religious impulse and the progressive goal of modern Christianity or man is that we should strive to achieve the same states that drugs do without the drugs going forward. And perhaps this is how it should be. Perhaps we should transcend our primitive selves and evolve and grow to a place where we do not need them, nor a body. Maybe the goal ought to be to try to become pure light and cast off any need of a body. Perhaps salvation is to be found purely in morality/ethics, not ecstasy. But these goals are for the air signs of the zodiac and the infirm, generally, not for me. Everyone is different. Or maybe it's my age or arrogance. Yet, drugs are nothing to take lightly or fool with at serious doses and they're not for everyone. Some of them can be very dangerous. I'm not advocating drug use for everyone. I'm only showing the roots of things. That's all I ever do. I am a fan, however, of not forgetting about the body. I don't think it's good or healthy to live a purely abstract, mental existence, as most of humanity and religion does today. There's always a balance to be struck. Plato was right. Through body, man is an animal and through intellect a god. There is no intellect without a body, however. Body comes first in this life we live on earth, just as the root chakra does. Without health of the body, you will have nothing else. Psychoactive plants, along with the rest of nature, and the body, came first for man in his experience of the divine on earth, without those, there is no religion, no religious experience, and no concept of god.